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نام کتاب : زندگى تحت توفيقات اصول اخلاق نویسنده : مكارم شيرازى، ناصر    جلد : 1  صفحه : 154

followers that there is no disunity and variety in God's essenceand attributes. His essence is extensive and His attributes are all exactly the same.

We know that one of the factors of disunity among people inold ages has been belief in several lords, and each tribe, nation, race and sometimes city had their own" lord" or" lords", andafter their conquest over the other nations, that lord tootriumphed and was recognized, and at the time of defeat, it wasforgotten!

As Albermaleh writes in the chapter related to religiou sbeliefs of Chaldaeans:

At first, in Chaldea too, like Egypt, each city had its own lord. After formation of great states, worshipping the lords ofdifferent territories was generalized, and the lord of capital citybecame" the Lord of Lords"! And thus, at the time ofHamourabi. [1]

, since Babylon was the capital of Chaldea, the lord

of this city which was named" Mardouk", was considered as" theLord of Lords" through Chaldea, and since at the beginning, capital of Assyria's government was Assyria, the lord of this city, which was also called" Assyria" became" the Lord of Lords" of Assyrian people.. [2]

And he writes about religion of Egyptians:" ... It was not so that all Egyptians worship several commonlords. Rather, each city had a separate lord, but once worship of some lords( of course, only in Egypt )was circulated throughout Egypt.


- Hamoura biisawell-/ knownc onque rorkin gwhoi sreputable fortheinterest ingru les, whichar eleftbyhima smemorial.

[2]Albermale h ,HistoryofEaster nNations ,18 /1

نام کتاب : زندگى تحت توفيقات اصول اخلاق نویسنده : مكارم شيرازى، ناصر    جلد : 1  صفحه : 154
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