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نام کتاب : تنبيه بدنى كودكان نویسنده : حسينى خواه، سيدجواد    جلد : 1  صفحه : 314

article requires parents( or, where applicable, members of the extended family or community )to provide the child with appropriate direction and guidance, in a manner consistent with his/ her evolving capacities, in the exercise by the child of the rights recognized in the Convention. Article, which underlines the primary responsibility of parents, or legal guardians, for the upbringing and development of the child, states that

the best interests of the child will be their basic concern. Under article, States are required to assure children the right to express their views freely in all matters affecting the child, with the views of the child being given due weight in accordance with age and maturity. This emphasizes the need for styles of parenting, caring and teaching that respect childrens participation rights. In its generalcomment No. on The aims of education, the Committee has emphasized the importance of developing education that is child- centred, child- friendly and empowering


The Committee notes that there are now many examples of materials and programmes promoting positive, non- violent forms of parenting and education, addressed to parents, other carers and teachers and developed by Governments, United Nations agencies, NGOs and others.


These can be appropriately adapted for use in different States and situations. The media can play a very valuable role in awareness- raising and public education. Challenging traditional dependence on corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of discipline requires sustained action. The promotion of non- violent forms of parenting and education should be built into all the points of contact between the State

[1].See note.


The Committee commends, as one example, UNESCOs handbook, Eliminating corporal punishment: the way forward to constructive child discipline, UNESCO Publishing, Paris,. This provides a set of principles for constructive discipline, rooted in the Convention. It also includes Internet references to materials and programmes available worldwide.

نام کتاب : تنبيه بدنى كودكان نویسنده : حسينى خواه، سيدجواد    جلد : 1  صفحه : 314
   ««صفحه‌اول    «صفحه‌قبلی
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   ««اول    «قبلی
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