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نام کتاب : زندگى تحت توفيقات اصول اخلاق نویسنده : مكارم شيرازى، ناصر    جلد : 1  صفحه : 68

The Prophet S. A. was asked: Is it possible for a believer to becoward? He answered: yes. It was asked: Is it possible for him to be stingy? He answered: yes. It was asked: Is it possible for him to be liar? He answered: no.. [1]

«قالَ امِيرُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ عليه السلام: لا يَجِدُ عَبْدٌ طَعْمَ الْايمانِ حَتّى‌ يَتْرُكَ الْكَذِبَ هَزْلَهُ وَجِدَّهُ» ..

Imam Ali A. S. said: A man does not taste the taste of belief, unless he refuses lie, either seriously or for humor.. [2]

«عنه عليه السلام: جانِبُوا الْكَذِبَ فَانَّهُ مُجانِبُ الْايمانِ» ..

Avoid lie, which is not in concord with belief.. [3]

And it is concluded from these narrations that believersavoid lie, and belief and lie do never accompany each other.

This point refers to the fact that the liars do not easily accep tinvitation of the prophets based on self- comparison. Since theythemselves lie in little affairs of life, they can not believe thatprophets to be really truthful in such big affairs. They may beamong the believers, but if we explore in depth of their hearts, we will find that it is not free from doubt and suspicion. Ofcourse, this is true for those whose life is overshadowed by lie, and as interpreted in the tradition are liars.

The contrary is also true. That is to say the truthful peopleare often credulous, because they themselves are truthful andhonest, and accept whatever they hear based on their superiornature, and so called they are" ear" unless they are notified.

Liars have a special pessimism and suspicion on everybodyand everything. They assume everything false, untrue, or at least

[1]Majlessi ,BeharolAnvar ,262 /27

[2]Majlessi ,BeharolAnvar ,942 /27

[3]-Thesamedocument ,volume 87 ,page 9

نام کتاب : زندگى تحت توفيقات اصول اخلاق نویسنده : مكارم شيرازى، ناصر    جلد : 1  صفحه : 68
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