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نام کتاب : زندگى تحت توفيقات اصول اخلاق نویسنده : مكارم شيرازى، ناصر    جلد : 1  صفحه : 14

because all of them are concerned with training men's souls. Ontheother hand, all punishments having a corrective aspect, being common among all nations throughout the world, were vain and ineffective! We see that even fierce and wild animals are domesticate dthrough training, and are used for the purposes against theiroriginal disposition. How we can believe the ill- humor in men tobe more rooted than ferocity of wild animals!

We believe that the best way for proving this claim isstudying the proced ure of formation of a" moral habit" in a bidto find the way of eradicatin g it in the same way it is formed. Weknow that every good or bad action l eaves a similar effect inman's soul and" attracts" man's soul to itself. Practice andrepetition of the action increases this effect and gradually afeature called" custom" is achieved and with more practice, itchanges in to" habit", and thus man's interior tendency toperforming that action is increased by rooting of customs andhabits. This reality is proved by expe rience.

Therefore, if moral customs and habits are formed throughre petition of an action, they are removable in the same way. Thatis to say first" action", then" repetition" and then" formation of amoral attribute and habit".

Of course, suggestion, reflection, correct instructions andhealthy enviro nment- which has a suggestive effect's are veryeffective in predisposing soul for acceptance and formation of agood morality.

Ill humor is a sort of disease

All of us know that man enjoys a sp ecial and particular position among all living creatures, because his pers onality is

نام کتاب : زندگى تحت توفيقات اصول اخلاق نویسنده : مكارم شيرازى، ناصر    جلد : 1  صفحه : 14
   ««صفحه‌اول    «صفحه‌قبلی
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   ««اول    «قبلی
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