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   ««صفحه‌اول    «صفحه‌قبلی
   جلد :
صفحه‌بعدی»    صفحه‌آخر»»   
   ««اول    «قبلی
   جلد :
بعدی»    آخر»»   
نام کتاب : زندگى تحت توفيقات اصول اخلاق نویسنده : مكارم شيرازى، ناصر    جلد : 1  صفحه : 131

because the isolator from the group is( a prey )for Satan just asthe isolator from the flock of sheep is) a prey (for the wolf.

Certainly the two arbitrators were appointed to revive what Quran revives and to kill what Quran kills. Revival of Quran means uniting each other and acting accordingly, and killing it refers to scattering and isolation from it.. [1]

Studying in the life of prede cessors too indicates that smaller societies have been always more retarded in view of culture and appearances of human civil ization, and developed cultures and civili zations have appeared in the great and extensive societies.

Thus, in the above phrases, first it is invited to attend in thegreat societies, and then it refers that God's hand is over suchs ocieties, and in contrast, the single footers are the victim ofSatan, and are excluded from divine support, and the similitudem entioned in the next phrase shows that overcoming the socialp roblems and salvation from the paws of wolfs is only possible within the society, and thereby, the more massive and condensesociety results in the more powerful and victorious societyagainst the events.

And finally, he says in the last phrases that reviving Quranmeans gathering and uniting around it, and killing it meansscattering and proceeding in a path alone!

Moreover, we can use two following issues for showingIslam's attempt for the greater societies:

1- In view of Islam, significance of each congregation prayerdepends on the number of its participants, and also the rewardof mosques, including Bazar mosque, city's great mosque andthe mosques belonging to the Moslems, and finally The Sacred

[1]NahjolBalaghe ,sermon 721

نام کتاب : زندگى تحت توفيقات اصول اخلاق نویسنده : مكارم شيرازى، ناصر    جلد : 1  صفحه : 131
   ««صفحه‌اول    «صفحه‌قبلی
   جلد :
صفحه‌بعدی»    صفحه‌آخر»»   
   ««اول    «قبلی
   جلد :
بعدی»    آخر»»   
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